Integrated Management of the Students'
Data, Semester and Course Registration, Certificates, e.t.c.
Archimedia's University Administration System supports the Secretariat
in all tasks, reducing their burden. The system allows the remote
access of the students and the teaching staff for performing several
actions such as course selection, applications for the issue of
certificates and course grades. It also allows easy and rapid life
cycle management of data related to the student.
Specifically, the provided system include:
Students Data Management System,
which is available to the members of the Secretariat and allows
the management of student data, including courses selected, examinations,
grades, books received, e.t.c.
- Certificate Requests Management,
which allows bulk import of requests, registration and printing
of certificates, for those requests that are electronically submitted
- Correspondence Management System,
for the registration of the correspondence, including request
forms for certificates. The system additionally supports the digitization
using scanner, assignments and document distribution
- Portal, for the student online
registration and course selection. It allows access control, semester
registration, course and book selection. Content management for
the publication of information material, news, articles, e.t.c.,
is also supported
- Portal, for the submission of Applications-
Requests for Certificates. It allows selection of Certificate
type and the electronic submission of the request. Additionally,
it informs the student about their request status
- Portal, for the teaching staff
to submit grades. It enables access control and generation of
the appropriate form to import grades. The system generates the
appropriate file with the grades, which will be printed and delivered
to the Secretariat. The Secretariat can collate the printed to
the electronic format for validating the stored grades