S.A. is a consulting and software development company specialising
in the field of Information Technology.
The company has developed industrial applications and software
for Document and Process Management, placing emfasis on the use
of open technologies and international standards, which ensures
interoperability and ease of integration.
The main customers of the company are Educational Institutions,
Special Services and Managing Authorities of the Public Sector and
Companies of the Private Sector.
Since 1994, Archimedia S.A. has been providing expertise, services
and integrated solutions to the following fields:
- Software development, in the fields of Enterprise, Database
and Web applications
- IT Products, Services and Integrated solutions provision
- Consulting services, in the fields of startegic planning, management
and evaluation of projects
The President of the Board and Managing Director is Phaidon-Eleftherios Tsourkas
Consultant and Responsible for the Commercial Activities is Panagiota Rapakoulia (Doctorat d'Etat es Sciences Physics, University "Pierre
et Marie Curie", Paris, e-mail: nota )
Responsible for the Research and Development activities is Elias Sideris (Diploma
in Theoritical Physics, University of Patras, e-mail: elsid )
Responsible for the Quality Management (EN ISO 9001:2008) is Ioanna
Varvitsioti (e-mail: ioanna )
The company's expertise is also based on a group of skilled engineers
and a network of collaborating experts who contribute to specific
projects and tasks.
Applications & Marketing Direction
Deals with Market Research, Tenders & Calls, Offers & Proposals,
Project Management & Implementation, Presales - Sales, Marketing,
Capture and Analysis of Users’ Requirements and Client Support.
RTD Direction
Deals with New Technologies & worldwide Technological Environment
Research aiming at: Research and Selection of new tools and technological
strategies for the company, the Incorporation of new technologies
in proposals for National and European projects and the acquisition
of the respective know-how, Software Development for both commercial
and pre-competitive project’s stage, Development Orientation to
the new Technological standards.
Administrative & Financial Services
Is responsible for the administrative support as well as the financial
tasks of the company.